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Body comes to be 1, 2022

charcoal, ink, acyclic, pencil on Plywood. 

60.5 x 60.5 cm

Body comes to be is a painting series that referenced the AI generated images from Chaney's on-going working title 'state of becomings' as the starting point to further explore non-binary embodiment through body and its materiality in relation to ink making and painting. In making those paintings, body remains always active and present within gestures and can be traced through the ink marks that's been left behind on those panels which forms the final images. Those captured traces as a reflection of the materiality of body searches for a state of exceeding of its own limitation - a form of energy - and a re/formability into abstraction or fluidity. 


close up to Body comes to be 1, 2022

Instead of making images, this series engages with varied techniques of removing - including scratching out inks on top layers, brushing off inks and sanding for instance. To embrace the ambiguity and to let the image to emerge, Body comes to be works precisely to find the right balance between the ink applied and the wood grain underneath to allow the two elements to inform each other. 

from left to right, Body comes to be 2,3 & 4, 2022

charcoal, ink, acyclic, pencil on Plywood. 

60.5 x 60.5 cm

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